Dental Implants

The dental implant is placed in the missing tooth areas. And it is an artificial tooth root that allows fixed or removable prosthesis to be made on it. In the selection of implants, brands that have been applied for many years should be chosen. In addition, brands with periodic clinical follow-ups should be preferred. It is also important that the brand has many product alternatives and that it can produce quick solutions when faced with any problem.

Treatment Details


Before The Surgery

There are 3 things to do before implant surgery. These;

  • Reviewing the patient’s medical history: General health information is obtained from the patient to determine whether he or she is suitable for this treatment. If necessary, analysis and tests are requested from the patient.
  • Dental examination: It is necessary to determine where and how the implants will be placed. For this, a mold is prepared by taking tooth and jaw measurements from the patient. The patient’s dental x-ray is taken.
  • Treatment plan: How many teeth will be treated and the condition of the jawbone are checked. In short, a treatment plan is prepared according to the patient.

During The Surgery

First, local or general anesthesia is applied. After anesthesia, the area where the implant will be made is cleaned so that the patient does not feel pain. If there is a tooth that needs to be extracted, it is extracted. A small incision is made in the gum to expose the implant in which bone it will be placed. Implant takes on the role of tooth root.

For this, the tooth is carved using a special drill. The implant is placed in this cavity and screwed. The implant is covered with the cut area of the gum. And 1-2 stitches are applied to the area. In order for the implant placed in the jawbone to heal, the tooth should not be processed for a while. It takes 2 to 6 months for it to integrate with the bone. This process is extremely important for the artificial tooth to form a solid foundation.

When the healing process of the jawbone is complete, an additional operation can be performed to place the abutment to which the crown will adhere. And in this operation, anesthesia is applied. In order to see the implant, a small incision is made in the gum again. The abutment is attached to the dental implant and the implant is covered with the gum again. And the gum is stitched. For this procedure, it is necessary to wait 2 weeks as a healing process.

With the healing of the gums, a new implant crown should be made. For this, the patient goes to the dentist again. Here, a mold of the mouth is taken for proper alignment of the mouth. The crown is not placed before the jawbone is strong enough to use a new tooth. Either a removable artificial tooth or a fixed tooth is preferred. After the decision is made, the final stage is passed.

In the final operation, a crown is placed on the patient’s tooth. In some cases, dentists may rehearse to check the shape of the crown and whether it fits properly in the mouth. When the final decision is made, the artificial tooth is screwed or glued. After the procedure is completed, there may be bruising and swelling in the gums and soft tissue. After the operation, an ice pack is placed on the area where the operation was performed to prevent swelling of the gums.