Otoplasty involves the surgical correction of aesthetic problems in the ears, whether present from birth or acquired later in life. This procedure involves shaping the ear cartilage to create a more symmetrical appearance. Otoplasty may be performed not only for cosmetic purposes but also to address functional issues affecting the ears.

Otoplasty can be performed from childhood onwards. As the ears are fully developed, the procedure cannot be done before the age of six, but if performed before school age, it can eliminate negative effects on a child’s social life. Otoplasty is also a popular choice for adults and can increase a person’s self-confidence.

How is Otoplasty Performed?

Otoplasty is typically performed under local anesthesia and takes about an hour. An incision is made behind the ear, and the ear cartilage is shaped. After the procedure, the patient may experience mild pain, swelling, and bruising for a few days. The complete healing process can take approximately 2-3 weeks. Following the procedure, the ears will have a more symmetrical and natural appearance.

Otoplasty, like other cosmetic procedures, carries risks. Infection is one of the most common complications. Therefore, appropriate hygiene measures should be taken after the procedure, and the doctor’s instructions should be followed. Other complications that may occur after otoplasty include loss of sensation in the ears, bleeding, and scarring.

Otoplasty can be used to correct various ear anomalies, in addition to correcting the shape and size of the ears. If the ears are small, as in the case of microtia, ear reshaping can increase their size. Otoplasty can also be used to treat other ear anomalies, such as cleft ears.

In conclusion, otoplasty is a surgical procedure used to correct aesthetic problems in the ears. This procedure can be performed from childhood onwards and can correct ear deformities, asymmetry, and other ear anomalies. Otoplasty can increase a person’s self-confidence, and the ears will have a more natural and symmetrical appearance after the procedure.

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