Aesthetic/Cosmetic Dentistry

It is a type of dentistry that beautifies not only your teeth but also your gums. In particular, applications are made to improve your mouth shape and smile quality. It can even extend to improving the function of the teeth in terms of bite shape and strength. However, as in the case of teeth whitening, it is not about improving the functionality of the teeth. It is the type of dental treatment that mostly deals with improving the appearance of your teeth.

In most cases, functional improvements are made for the success of aesthetic dentistry. The features that differ from standard teeth, gingival and oral applications are as follows;

  • Focus on Dental Aesthetics : Aesthetic dentistry mostly deals with the color, shape and size of the teeth. It also pays attention to the position and arrangement of the teeth. And the main goal of these dentists is to improve the overall appearance of your smile. This extends to healthy gums that can be surgically replaced to design a smile and make jaw structure.
  • Aesthetic Dentists: Dentists specializing in aesthetic dentistry are known as aesthetic dentists. Over-the-counter whitening options are available. However, dentist-supervised treatments have the highest success rates in alleviating tooth discoloration. For this, an aesthetic dentist should be preferred.

Treatment Details


Types of Aesthetic Dentistry

Aesthetic or cosmetic dentistry performs many operations on your teeth, gums, mouth and jaw. The types of work of this dentistry are as follows;

  • Adding Dental Material: You can request your aesthetic dentist to add dental material to your gums or teeth. As a result of these procedures, you can have a beautiful smile. Gum grafts, crowns or porcelain veneers can be made. Laminates and bonding treatments can also be applied to your teeth and gums.
  • Cosmetic Improvements Without Adding or Subtracting Anything: There are aesthetic techniques designed to improve your gums and tooth structure and your smile. In these techniques, nothing is added or removed from your gums and tooth structure. To improve your gum color, tooth enamel can be laser whitened.
  • Straightening Teeth to Heal the Face: Teeth can be properly healed with techniques such as braces or retainers. These techniques cause your chin and cheeks to change drastically. Thus, the appearance of your face will improve over time.