
As a result of mimic movements such as smiling, getting angry, and being surprised, dynamic lines occur in the structure of the face. Continuously performing these mimic movements over the years causes the dynamic lines on the skin to become permanent. Every adult person who wants to get rid of wrinkles on their skin can have a botox procedure. However, it is an unsuitable procedure for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Treatment Details


Side Effects

This procedure may have side effects. These possible side effects can be listed as follows;

  • Pain, edema and redness at the injection site
  • Headache
  • Mild nausea
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Flu
  • Gallbladder dysfunction
  • Fever and chills
  • Bleeding and swelling
  • Weakness in the lower eyelid muscles

During The Operation

It is a method applied in the form of Micro Injection. Therefore, the patient does not experience much discomfort. Local anesthetic creams can be applied to the patient before the operation. In this way, the comfort of the patient is ensured. Generally, after the operation, patients can continue their daily lives as if nothing had happened. In some cases, a slight edema or bruising may occur.

After The Operation

The effect of the Botox process appears on the 3rd day. In addition, one week after the procedure, the effect of botox reaches its maximum level. On average, the effect lasts for 3-4 months in its maximum form. Generally, the effect of botox ends after the 6th month.

After the procedure, the patient can wash his/her face immediately. In addition, the patient can apply make-up to her skin. After the procedure, the person must stand upright for 4 hours. At the same time, the patient should not lie in a horizontal position. The injection area should not be massaged on the day of the procedure. Apart from this, it is recommended that the patient should not take a shower in very hot water.
Botox procedure must be done by specialist physicians. Otherwise, the desired effect for the skin may not be achieved. In addition, symptoms that damage the skin may occur. Therefore, it should only be administered under the supervision of a doctor.