Eyebrow-Beard-Mustache Hair Transplant

It is a suitable procedure for people who complain that their eyebrows are sparse. In addition, it is an operation performed on people who have little or no beard and mustache. These procedures can be performed on any person over a certain age.

Treatment Details


Eyebrow – Hair Transplant

If your eyebrows are thin or very sparse, it is now possible to have thick and tight eyebrows. Eyebrow transplantation is performed by transplanting the hair follicles taken from the nape of the neck to the eyebrows. It is performed with the FUE technique in a short period of 1-2 hours. Detailed planning is done for eyebrow transplantation. The eyebrows are given the right direction and angle. And it can be done professionally by placing the appropriate roots.
Today, eyebrow transplantation is mostly preferred by women. Eyebrows, which have a certain physical feature and shape, are planned according to the wishes of the person. And as much as possible, eyebrow transplantation is performed by staying on demand. Approximately two weeks after the application of eyebrow transplantation, a crust-like shedding occurs on the eyebrows with the renewal of the roots.
However, this is not something to be afraid of, it is part of the natural process. After the roots are renewed, it takes 4 to 8 months for the eyebrows to fully recover. After eyebrow transplantation, it is recommended not to remove the eyebrows again. Otherwise, it may be the case that the removed eyebrows do not grow back.

Beard & Mustache – Hair Transplant

Before the beard transplant, the patient is pre-examined. The area to be transplanted is determined and the number of grafts is calculated. For the tests performed before beard transplantation, blood is taken from the patient and tests are performed. Local anesthesia is provided with painless anesthesia. Hair follicles are collected from the donor area and kept in the organ transplant solution. The collected grafts are transplanted to the beardless area with the sapphire percutaneous beard transplant technique.
Beard transplantation is not much different from hair transplantation, it is possible to understand easily from these stages. The point to be considered here is that the hair follicles taken from the donor area are preserved with the highest possible survival technique. And this is the transfer of donors to the area to be planted. Apart from that, mustache transplantation is considered in the same category as well as beard transplantation. In this context, mustache transplantation and beard transplantation procedures are also similar.