
It is known as benign, excessive breast development in men. Some studies say that this condition is seen in one out of every 3 men. It can also be observed in humans during infancy and old age. But it mostly occurs during adolescence.
Gynecomastia is not seen as a condition that is harmful to health. However, it causes distress and embarrassment in the person himself. Long-standing gynecomastia cannot regress spontaneously. Medical treatment is required. It also requires surgical intervention in some cases.

Treatment Details


Gynecomastia Surgery

Surgical intervention is known as the most effective and definitive method. The surgeon decides what kind of intervention will be done as a result of the examinations. Different methods can be used for different classifications of gynecomastia. For example;

  • Glandular type gynecomastia has mostly hard breast tissue. And it needs to be surgically removed.
  • Mixed type gynecomastia has glandular tissue. There is also an excess of adipose tissue. Surgery and liposuction are used together.
  • Fatty type gynecomastia is dominated by adipose tissue. This condition can only be treated with liposuction.
  • In another classification, the size of the breast tissue is taken into account. And skin excess is evaluated. The type of surgical intervention is determined according to these factors.

After The Surgery

The process experienced after the surgery differs according to the technique of the surgery. If vaser or laser liposuction techniques are preferred in the treatment, the healing process becomes easier. After the application of these techniques, the person gets effective results at the end of about 3 weeks. And the patient can easily do many activities.
General anesthesia is given to patients who need surgical intervention. In some cases, local anesthesia may also be preferred. Many patients can be discharged on the same day after the operation. In some patients, it may be necessary to keep the person under observation overnight, depending on general anesthesia. However, this situation is not encountered very often.
It is normal to see edema and swelling in the area after the surgery. These formations disappear within the first week. After the operation, the patient may have mild muscle pain. It is necessary to rest for 3 days after the operation. It is important for the patient’s comfort and healing process not to move the arms and shoulders too much. On the 3rd day of the operation, it is possible to take a shower, provided that it does not take too long. The patient can return to work, take short walks.