Lip Lifting

The dream of all of us; It is to have a lively, dynamic and bright lip. In this surgery, the size of the upper lip is changed and the drooping of the lips is corrected. It also makes the red part of the lip prominent and visible. In this surgery, a tissue that starts under the base of the nose and extends to the lip is removed. And the skin on the underside is brought towards the base of the nose and stitched.
In this way, the width of the skin part of the lip decreases and its length becomes shorter. This section; It affects the part between the columella (middle column of the nose) and the eros arc in the pink part of the lip. Normally, the length of this area on a person’s lip is between 15-25 mm. This length may vary according to the person and gender. It may also vary according to the structure of the lip and the age of the person. With this operation, it is possible to reduce this distance between 5-10 mm.

Treatment Details


Who Can Have This Surgery

This surgery; It is performed especially in patients where the upper lip is very thin and the red part is not clear, in order to lift and clarify the lip. It can also be applied to people whose lips are of normal size but who want it to look more lifted. In addition, this surgery is also performed on patients who want their teeth to be more visible when talking and laughing. Facial sagging occurs over time and with aging. In these people, the lip lengthens and the lip becomes thinner. For this purpose, lip lift operation can be performed to make the patient look younger.

During The Surgery

This surgery can be easily performed with local anesthesia. However, if desired, general anesthesia can also be used. If the patient wants a combined operation with other surgeries, then general anesthesia is applied to the patient.
This surgery can take an average of 45 minutes. With this surgery, excess skin tissue is removed. The underlying skin is released up to the red part of the lip. Afterwards, the skin is repaired with approximation stitches. At the end of this operation, a surgical scar may remain in the area where the base of the nose and the lip meet.

After The Surgery

After the operation, the patient continues his/her normal activities. There may be swelling in the lip area that lasts for 3 days. This swelling will gradually decrease and will be resolved in up to 1 week. The stitches will heal and be removed in an average of 5-7 days. During this process, there may be numbness in the lip. In addition, there may be difficulty in moving the lips and tension may be felt while laughing. However, with the drugs to be used, the patient can pass this process more comfortably.