Orthodontic Dentistry

Orthodontic treatments applied by orthodontists ensure that the jawbone and teeth are placed in the right place and position. Correction of crooked teeth not only provides an important aesthetic gain, but also contributes to oral and dental health.

Treatment Details


Orthodontic Treatment

This treatment is done with the help of fixed or removable apparatus applied on the teeth or jawbone. The shape of these apparatuses is not optional. It is determined according to the requirements of the treatment.

This treatment is done with the help of fixed or removable apparatus applied on the teeth or jawbone. The shape of these devices varies according to the patient. The treatment and apparatus are decided according to the needs of the patient.

Moving devices;

Mostly in the mixed dentition period between the ages of 7-12, mobile apparatuses are used. It helps in the development of the jaw and guides the eruption of permanent teeth.

Fixed orthodontic appliances;

Metal brackets; They are the most used devices in treatment. These brackets adhere to the teeth one by one. Wires passing between them move the teeth.

Transparent brackets; It is produced from tooth-colored or completely transparent material. These brackets work on the same principle as metal brackets. The most important difference is that it is less visible when viewed from the outside. In addition, it is an apparatus that requires more care and attention. Therefore, it is mostly used in adults.

Lingual brackets; They are known as fixed metal brackets that adhere to the inner surface of the teeth. The most important difference from the others is that it is not visible from the outside. Due to the differences in the treatment technique, the treatment times are longer than the front-mounted brackets.

Why Should We Have Orthodontic Treatment?

Most of the people primarily apply to this treatment for aesthetic concerns due to the crowding of the teeth. However, tooth crowding causes many problems in the patient as well as a bad appearance. Closure disorders called malocclusion are not just an aesthetic problem. It also causes chewing and speech disorders.

Due to the crowding in the teeth, the upper and lower teeth do not close normally. Forces cannot be transmitted normally to the jawbones, hence the joint. This causes joint problems. It is known that trauma (such as falling, hitting a ball) affects the front teeth more, especially in children or individuals whose upper jaw is forward or whose upper teeth are more advanced than they should be.

And it has been observed that it can often lead to loss of anterior teeth. In addition, the pronunciation of some sounds becomes difficult in individuals who have more gaps between their lower and upper front teeth than they should be. And this can cause speech disorders in the person.

As a result of the incompatibility between the jaws and teeth, sometimes the teeth cannot find a place. In such a case, the person’s teeth may remain impacted. Impacted teeth can dissolve the roots of neighboring teeth. In addition, cysts may occur around impacted teeth. And it can lead to pathological consequences.