Pediatric Dentistry

Many families take their children to the family dentist or a regular dentist. But some families need extra and special treatment. Pediatric dentists have their own qualifications. They can offer younger children a gentler treatment and education. They can treat young patients with special needs or disabilities. Explore more closely the difference between pediatric and general dentistry and the benefits of pediatric dentistry.

Pediatric dentists also learn about orthodontic tooth correction methods. They are dentists who work in close contact with pediatricians and general dentists. Pediatricians and general dentists refer selected patients to pediatric dentists. Some pediatric dentists teach in dental schools. And they aim to develop better methods to prevent oral health problems that concern children. They work in the training facilities of hospitals to conduct research on this subject.

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What Benefits Do Pediatric Dentists Offer to Children?

Like all dentists, pediatric dentists focus on oral health, disease prevention and treatment, and dental caries. They inform families on how best to treat children. They also train other dental professionals. They are also dentists who specialize in explaining procedures to children and building trust with their young patients.

The AAPD (American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry) provides a list of the many methods pediatric dentists use to communicate with their young patients. Some of these are:

  • Positive support: Encourages patients to sit down and follow directions to behave.
  • Tell-show-do: – A method that involves the dentist explaining the treatment in a language the child can understand, simply showing how it will be performed, and then starting the procedure.
  • Tone: Pediatric dentists can use a more friendly and soothing tone to build confidence and demystify the appointment.

Why Choose a Pediatric Dentist Instead of a General Dentist?

All general dentists are trained by pediatricians at the faculty. Some general dentists feel more comfortable caring for and meeting the needs of young children than others. However, a general dentist may refer a small child or a child with special needs if they are not comfortable treating them to a pediatric dentist.

Pediatric dentists perform dental procedures like general dentists. But with special training, they can also cope with many difficult behavioral problems. Children behave differently to adults when visiting the dentist. A child may be nervous and afraid in an unfamiliar environment. This tension can be a big problem for the patient when it requires intensive treatment. When a child or a patient with a disability needs intensive dental treatment, the pediatric dentist will often use sedation or general anesthesia.