Post-Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric; exercise, diet, drug therapy and ultimately surgical treatments. Bariatric surgery is the process of removing a part of the stomach or removing it from the digestive system by endoscopic method. The most widely known is sleeve gastrectomy surgery.
Bariatric surgery is performed on all patients with a body mass index greater than 40. In addition, it is applied to people who have a body mass index of more than 35 and have one or more diseases related to obesity.
Post-bariatric surgery is the surgery performed for body shaping 6 months after the weight loss is stabilized after bariatric surgery. Post-bariatric surgery is performed by Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. The general health status of the patient is evaluated and the areas that require surgery are determined. And when the patient is physically and mentally ready, the surgeries begin. There are many procedures in post-bariatric surgeries. These; breast lift-augmentation, tummy tuck, arm lift, leg lift, butt lift.

Treatment Details



As with any surgery, body shaping surgeries carry a certain risk. These risks are divided into general and surgery-specific. Of course, thirdly, there are risks to the patient himself. Complications are more common in patients who have undergone weight loss surgery. The reason for this is; It is the fact that the body is worn out during the period of being overweight and after weight loss. Hematoma, infection, clotting and premature opening of sutures are among the general risks that may occur.
Among the general risks, the most feared is deep vein thrombosis and subsequent pulmonary clotting. Factors such as prolongation of the operation period, smoking, use of birth control pills in women, and high weight may increase this risk. This risk may be highest in tummy tuck surgery. “Risk” does not necessarily mean something that will happen. It’s just more likely to happen and requires appropriate action. It is possible to take necessary precautions against this risk.
A risk specific to all body shaping surgeries is that the desired result cannot be achieved. There are many reasons for this, but there is only one solution. It is healthy communication between the patient and the surgeon. The surgeon tells the patient what he can and cannot do with reasons. Disappointments are less as a result of surgeries performed with reasonable expectations.

When Is The Patient Ready For Surgery?

  • Body mass index should be below 30: Patients with over 30 have more problems in the surgery.
  • Body weight should be stable for the last 3 months: Otherwise, the result of the surgery will not be permanent. It’s not just about weight gain. If the person continues to lose more than 2.5 kilos per month, body shaping surgery should be postponed. And the patient’s weight should be expected to stabilize.
  • Health status should be suitable for surgery: Heart diseases, diabetes, sleep apnea, cholesterol problems and many other problems are common in overweight patients.
  • Smoking should definitely be stopped: At least 4 weeks before the surgery and 4 weeks after the surgery should not smoke. Otherwise, the healing process of the person will be difficult.