Nose Surgery

All operations on the nose are called rhinoplasty. These are surgical procedures performed on the bone and cartilage tissues in the nose. Also known as nasoplasty. This operation corrects the textural difference in the congenital nose. The textural difference that occurs due to trauma in the nose can also be corrected with this operation. In addition, rhinoplasty can be applied only for an aesthetic appearance.
Nose aesthetics (rhinoplasty) treats the person and gives the person an aesthetic appearance. Nose aesthetics is one of the most preferred surgical procedures. The person should definitely consult a doctor after he/she wants to have this operation. The doctor checks whether the person’s nose structure is suitable for rhinoplasty.

Treatment Details



  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia
  • Apart from these risks, other risks that may happen to you;
  • Persistent numbness in and around the nose
  • The probability of a disproportionate-looking nose
  • Pain, discoloration, or swelling that may persist
  • Need for additional surgery

Talk to your doctor to find out what risks apply to you.

How You Prepare

Before the rhinoplasty procedure is performed, the surgeon will determine whether this procedure will work well for you. In this process, it is very important to choose a surgeon who is right for you. Nose aesthetics are procedures that require great attention. Therefore, it should be performed by experienced surgeons. Another important issue is the surgical technique. When choosing one of the open and closed methods, the patient’s condition is taken into account.
It is important that the patient and the doctor establish good communication before rhinoplasty surgery is performed. The patient’s complaints and requests should be listened to by the doctor. The doctor should make the most appropriate operation plan for the patient. As a result of the examination made by the doctor, the method of the surgery is decided depending on the nose structure of the person. Both open and closed operations have advantages and disadvantages.
Therefore, not every method may be effective for every patient. The choice of open or closed method should be made by the doctor, not the patient. After the surgery day is determined, the patient should not use products such as blood thinners. In addition, the patient should quit bad habits such as smoking for a while. Because smoking slows down the healing process after surgery. Patients who smoke are more likely to get infections.

During The Surgery

If simple interventions are to be performed during the surgery, the patient is given local anesthesia. However, if it is a comprehensive operation, general anesthesia is applied to the patient. The duration of the operation varies according to the procedures. A rhinoplasty operation takes a few hours on average. The operation is performed by choosing the most suitable method for the patient from open or closed methods. Afterwards, the patient is discharged after being kept under observation for a certain period of time.

After The Surgery

It is very important to protect the nose and its surroundings after rhinoplasty surgery. It is necessary to stay away from any activity that will adversely affect the shape of the nose. You should also lie down with your head above your chest to reduce bleeding and swelling in the nose. And you should also not wear glasses for a period of time.
During the first three days after the surgery, you need to get enough rest. Medications prescribed by the doctor should be used regularly. In addition, the control examinations planned by the doctor should not be interrupted. Dressing recommendations of the doctor should be made regularly or should be done by a healthcare professional.