Face Lift Surgery

Although this surgery is perceived as a medical procedure performed due to aesthetic concerns, it sometimes appears as a medical necessity. Today, it is not an operation preferred only by women. It is a very popular surgery among men. It is generally preferred to recover skin loosening and sagging that occur on the face after a certain age. It is also not right to talk about an age restriction for facelift procedures. Any adult can have this procedure done.

Treatment Details


During The Surgery

There is a common belief that only the skin is stretched with this surgery. However, this is not true. With an operation that will give accurate and successful results, not only the skin is stretched. All skin layers are shaped in three dimensions. With the incision made on the skin, the connective tissues and mimic muscles under the skin are accessed. In addition, the loosened tissues are intervened. Loosening and sagging elements are corrected by touching these deep tissues under the skin. It is brought to the places where it should be a normal percentage. And the existing disorders in the skin are eliminated.
One of the main questions that come to mind about this surgery is whether there will be any scars after the surgery. When this surgery is performed with endoscopic methods, small incisions of 1 to 2 millimeters are made to remain in the hair. Therefore, there is no trace image. In classical methods, these incisions are made in front and behind the ear. In addition, since the natural lines of the face are placed between them, it heals over time and becomes invisible.

After The Surgery

It is normal to experience a general swelling and bruising on the face after the surgery. It is also natural to have a feeling of numbness and tension on the face. During surgery, some facial nerves may be adversely affected by anesthesia. Therefore, slight asymmetries may be observed on the face. These asymmetries disappear spontaneously within 3-5 days.
After the surgery, the dressing is applied in such a way that the eyes, nose and mouth remain open. The dressings are opened after 2-3 days. After some operations, a drain can be inserted to remove excess fluid accumulated in the tissue. Drains are taken within 2 days at the latest. If the stitches are not of the self-dissolving type, they are removed within 1 week.
From the 2nd day after the surgery, the person can stand up and do housework. One week later, the patient’s stitches are removed. The patient can return to work after the swelling on his face is gone. It is recommended to avoid heavy exercises and excessive sun rays for a few months after the surgery.