Sleeve Gastrectomy

This surgical procedure is the most applied type among combined type surgeries. It is known as one of the methods that attract attention with its successful results in obesity surgery. With this surgery, the stomach volume is reduced. And the absorption of nutrients decreases as the path traveled in the small intestine is shortened.
In this procedure, the part at the beginning of the patient’s stomach is separated from the rest, leaving approximately 30-50 cc. At the same time, some of the small intestines are bypassed during the procedure. And it is attached to the newly formed small stomach. In this way, patients can be satiated quickly with much smaller portions.
In addition, the absorption of a significant part of the high-calorie foods taken is prevented. With this surgical procedure, the patient experiences weight loss effectively and permanently. This surgical procedure can be recycled if necessary.

Treatment Details



  • In this procedure, bleeding, infection, hernia and general anesthesia complications that can be seen in many other abdominal surgeries can be seen.
  • The most serious risk is leakage that may occur in the connection between the stomach and the small intestine. And it is a second surgery that may occur as a result.
  • Some additional surgical risks increase due to obesity. Blood clot formation (embolism) and cardiac problems may occur in the feet and lungs.

10-15% of patients who undergo this surgery experience some of the above complications. In general, more serious complications are rare. And the common ones are the treatable ones.

During The Surgery

This surgery is performed by laparoscopic method. Recently, robotic surgery method is also used. This surgery is performed with 4-6 holes with a diameter of 1 cm. As in sleeve gastrectomy surgery, the stomach is reduced in this operation. Approximately 95% of the stomach is bypassed. A part of the stomach, which is divided into two by surgical methods, is bypassed by the 12 finger intestines.
And it is attached to the middle of the intestine. The other part continues to function without being removed from the body. In this way, the food consumed is prevented from passing through the 12 finger intestines. With surgery, patients are satisfied with less food. In addition, it is aimed to ensure the absorption of some of the food taken by the patients.

After The Surgery

After the operation, it is usually necessary to stay in the hospital for 3-4 days. After leaving the hospital, the person should not engage in heavy activities. In addition, the patient should not lift heavy loads for 6 weeks. After discharge, a nutrition plan is made by the dietitian. In addition, the patient should not drive for 2 weeks after surgery. People with a quiet business life can return to work after 2-3 weeks. Patients working in jobs with intense physical activity should wait 6-8 weeks after surgery.