Smile Design

In this application, teeth and gums that are aesthetically deteriorated for many reasons are taken into consideration. At the same time, with this process, a natural and beautiful image is obtained according to the face shape and needs of the people. Smile design is an application that emerges as a combination of many processes.
People have different aesthetic needs and expectations. For this reason, the actions to be taken are determined individually. While deciding on these procedures, the patient; facial features, gender, age and wishes are taken into account.
Before starting the procedure, teeth and gum diseases are treated. In addition, tooth cleaning operations are performed. Then, procedures are determined according to the needs of the patients. Generally, these procedures are gingivectomy, implant, teeth whitening and various coatings.

Treatment Details


During The Process

Measurements are taken from the patient’s mouth and models are prepared. Problems are identified and plans are made on these models. Then, the measurements of the intraoral and facial photographs of the people are adjusted by means of special programs on the computer. The procedure to be performed on the patient should be compatible with the face shape. If there is no need for orthodontic treatment after the planning is completed, the level disorders in the gums are corrected.

If there is a missing tooth, implant procedures are planned and other necessary surgical applications are performed. After the surgical applications are healed, if necessary, procedures such as teeth whitening are performed. After this stage, visual and deformities in the teeth are removed with aesthetic composite fillings. In cases where this process is insufficient, porcelain laminate and zirconium veneers can be made.

After The Process

After this procedure, you should not neglect the cleaning of your mouth and teeth. Patients should take adequate care of their teeth. In order to preserve the aesthetic and beautiful appearance obtained, it is necessary not to interrupt tooth brushing. In addition, excessively abrasive toothpastes should not be used. Because toothpastes with a strong abrasive aspect can cause scratches on the restorations. Apart from this, it will be useful to use fluoride-containing toothpastes.