Gastric Botox

This procedure limits the contraction of the stomach muscles. Gastric emptying time is delayed. And the patient has a loss of appetite; thus weight loss is achieved. Stomach botox is applied endoscopically. During the procedure, botulinum toxin is injected into certain areas of the stomach at a certain depth. And it is aimed to slow down stomach movements. It is one of the non-surgical obesity treatments. The aim is to create a feeling of satiety in the patient. It is also to reduce the patient’s feeling of hunger.

Treatment Details


Who Is Stomach Botox Suitable For?

This procedure is suitable for anyone who is overweight. However, there are certain criteria that the patient must comply with in order to perform this procedure. These:

  • The body mass index of the patient who wants to have this procedure should be below 40. The right treatment option for patients with a body mass index of 40 and above is bariatric surgery.
  • The patient who will undergo the procedure must be older than 16 years of age.
  • The patient should not be allergic to botulinum toxin.
  • The patient should not have muscle nerve disease.
  • Those who have stomach ulcers such as gastritis can have this procedure done after treatment.

What Kind of Procedure Is Stomach Botox?

  • Stomach botox is not an obesity surgery.
  • It is an application that is completely endoscopically entered orally.
  • There is no incision.
  • The application takes 20 minutes on average.
  • During the procedure, the patient is put to sleep with anesthesia.
  • It is not necessary for the person to be hospitalized.
  • Generally, it is sufficient to keep the patient under observation for 1-2 hours after the procedure.
  • A decrease in appetite is observed in about 3 days after the procedure. And appetite control is provided.

After The Process

Patients are expected to lose 10-15% of their total weight within 3-6 months. The amount of weight given; may differ according to age, metabolic rate and frequency of exercise. In addition, one should not expect miracles from any treatment. Nutrition should be considered after botox application. After stomach botox, especially fast food style, excessive fat and carbohydrate content should not be fed. A healthy nutrition program should be adhered to as much as possible. Thus, maximum benefit can be obtained from botox application.