Hair transplantation is a natural and permanent solution to the problem of hair loss and baldness in individuals experiencing thinning or hair loss.

It involves the transplantation of healthy hair follicles through microsurgery to areas where the hair is no longer active and baldness has occurred.

In hair transplantation, the patient’s own healthy hair is added to the area where thinning or complete baldness has occurred. Hair transplantation is tailored to the individual and their specific needs. In general, hair follicles resistant to baldness are collected from the back of the patient’s head, and then transplanted into channels created in the areas experiencing thinning or complete baldness. The aim is to provide a natural and permanent look that will not reveal that a transplant has taken place. Hair transplantation is essentially a minor surgical operation, and therefore it is safest when performed by experienced doctors and teams in a hospital environment. The goal of hair transplantation is to restore a comfortable, natural-looking hair to the patient using modern medical practices.

Why does hair loss occur?

One of the most important reasons for hair loss is genetic coding; however, it can also occur as a result of advancing age, traumatic injuries, or various medical conditions. After diagnosis by a doctor, hair transplant can be successfully applied to all individuals with sufficient hair follicles in the donor area.

Not only the scalp but also all areas of the body with hair, such as eyebrows, mustaches, or beards, can be successfully treated with the transplantation method.

How is hair transplantation done?

In the application, hair follicles taken from the back of the head are generally transplanted to the targeted bald area. These hair follicles taken are called grafts. In rare cases, there may not be enough healthy hair in the person’s back of the head or temple area. In such cases, hair follicles can also be taken from other areas of the body that contain hair, such as the person’s arms or chest wall. The procedure takes a few hours depending on the amount of hair loss. If the hairless area is very large, several sessions may be required to complete the treatment.

Generally, the intervention is performed under sedation and local anesthesia. After hair transplantation, a special bandage is applied to the head. The person is discharged after 1-2 hours. Although rare, pain is controlled with painkillers. Generally, after a 3-day rest period, the person can return to work with their head covered. The first dressing is done on the 3th day.

What methods are used for hair transplantation?

The two main methods used for hair transplantation are DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) methods. FUE method is a technique where hair follicles are individually removed and transplanted to the balding areas. In this method, each hair follicle is taken out using a special tool and then implanted into the hairless area. FUE method is generally less invasive and usually causes less pain.

DHI method, on the other hand, also involves individually removing hair follicles and transplanting them, much like in the FUE method. However, in the DHI method, hair follicles are implanted directly into the hairless area using a special tool. In this method, hair channels are opened using a special tool and hair follicles are placed into these channels. The DHI method may be faster and less invasive than the FUE method, but it may have a higher cost.

Is hair transplant an aesthetic or medical procedure?

Hair transplant is a medical procedure, but its aesthetic aspect is predominant. By properly assessing the patient’s donor site and natural hairline, a suitable style can be created that matches the person’s image. Thus, it is a complete aesthetic procedure.

How is the hairline determined in hair transplantation?

The hairline is a personalized anatomical line that is determined based on the natural hair boundary from where the forehead tissue ends and the hair tissue begins. At HED Clinic, the experts pay attention to the forehead muscle while determining the hairline. The hairline can be adjusted as desired without damaging facial muscles, and the most suitable hairline and hairstyle can be determined based on various factors such as the patient’s facial type, hair shape, pattern of previous hair loss, and forehead muscle and hairless skin condition.

Do the implanted hairs fall out after the hair transplant procedure?

It’s normal for the implanted hair to fall out within a few weeks following the transplantation procedure. However, the hair follicles that have been implanted will retain their characteristics and will start growing back within 3-4 months. It’s important to note that the original hair in the same area may continue to fall out over time, resulting in a decrease in hair density, and a new hair transplant procedure may need to be planned in the future. Hair loss after surgery can continue to progress, especially in the new hairline area, and if an unnatural appearance occurs, another surgical intervention may be necessary in the future.

What is the process involved in a hair transplant procedure, and how is it performed at HED Clinic?

At HED Clinic, hair transplantation can be performed with or without shaving, depending on the operation style determined by the expert doctor. Local anesthesia is applied, and the hair follicles are collected one by one using microsurgical tools. Channels are opened in the area where hair is desired to be implanted, taking into account the direction, angle, and density of hair growth. The harvested follicles are carefully and precisely placed into these channels. The goal is to achieve a healthy and permanent hair appearance that is not noticeable that the hair has been implanted. The operation is completed in an average of 6 to 8 hours.

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