Post-bariatric surgery is a type of surgical procedure that people with morbid obesity undergo to achieve weight loss. This procedure is performed by reducing the size of the stomach or by changing the digestive system. However, there are some important points to be aware of after these surgeries.


Precautions to be Taken After Surgery

Firstly, patients should pay close attention to their nutrition in the postoperative period. Especially, fluid intake should be carefully monitored and patients should follow the recommendations of a dietician. Also, meals should be taken in smaller portions and at frequent intervals.

In the postoperative period, it is important for patients to exercise. These exercises will help to accelerate weight loss and shape the body. However, exercises should be different from the lifestyle before the surgery. After bariatric surgery, patients should also take vitamin and mineral supplements. Especially B12, iron, calcium, and vitamin D supplements are important for maintaining a healthy body. Failure to take these supplements can cause serious health problems.

In the postoperative period, patients should also pay attention to their psychological health. Weight loss is a big change in the lives of many people, and some may have difficulty accepting this change. Therefore, it is important for them to receive psychological support.

In conclusion, post-bariatric surgery is an effective method for people struggling with obesity. However, there are some important points to be aware of in the postoperative period. Paying attention to these points will help patients lead a healthy and happy life.

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